Trust in the Lord....

Psalms 37:3-4 HCSB
3 Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart

I have struggled with giving all my thoughts to God and being faithful in His timing. When I struggle with it I remember these verses. Actually, they're hanging up at my desk, see....

When I'm having a bad day or feel like I'm floundering I remember the promises given in Psalms and then I remember my Grampie telling me to just trust in the Lord with all my heart. I think he had read these verses before... LOL

I hope these are as encouraging to you as they are to me. 

I'm gonna tell you something that I've only told about 3 people. I have always known what God has had in store for me but, for some silly human reason, I haven't done anything about it. Often I would feel sorry for myself and "cry" to God asking Him why "so-and-so" had this and that but I had nothing. I'm not exaggerating when I say He said to me "are you kidding? You want this and that but what have you given me, Jenny? When you give me what you know I deserve then I will give you what you deserve." Being a child, I just shrugged it off like a pouty teenager and ignored it. Multiple years later, I'm pretty sure it was more than 10 years, I actually read/ understood these verses...."Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart"... so I actually started listening to the desires of my heart and taking delight in the Lord. I'm not saying that he has given me everything my heart desires but I can honestly say that my life is more fun/ better/ fulfilling/ beneficial and exhilarating! 

It's easy to take delight in the Lord... super easy! When you look at all the things that He has created for us in our selfish ways--light, love, sunlight, darkness, our pets, our children, our family, our cars, our phones, electricity and let us not forget heating and AIR CONDITIONING! It is arguable that He didn't specifically create air conditioning or our phones but he gave someone the brains to do so!

Now how easy is it to "Trust in the Lord and do good...."??? Holy Cow! SOOO much harder! This is something that I pray about every single moment! It is something that I struggle with all the time. However, again, I am finding it to be easier and easier! I do trust that He will provide for me I just have to be faithful in His timing.

I pray that we all listen to Him when he is speaking to us. Be still and know HE is GOD! 


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