
It's been a good chapter, it's been an eventful chapter. There's been love, loss, tears, sorrow, happiness, gratefulness, appreciation, growth and now it's time to move on.

I think it's super interesting to look back at my life and see all the changes and all the growth that has happened. I give God all the credit because I know with all my being that it's because of Him that I am sitting here today about to tell you that He provided for me once again!

As most of you know I have had 2 jobs for the past almost 6 years. I have worked in the insurance industry at one job and with developmentally disabled adults at the 2nd. I have loved both jobs immensely! Well, about 3 months ago I learned of a position at an insurance company that I knew I would be perfect for! A trainer position at Pekin Insurance.

During the phone interview I was feeling super hopeful. 3-4 wks later I had a face-to-face interview which I, again, felt hopeful. Then 2-3 wks later I had a 2nd interview and most definitely knew to be hopeful. Well last Wednesday, July 25th, I was officially offered the position and I graciously accepted it!

I cannot believe what God has in store for me and how He has worked! It's truly amazing!

So, Aug 9th is my last day at the agency and Aug 17th will be my last day at the 2nd job!

I am soooo excited!

Thanks for reading!


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