Welcome to my blog

I have no idea why I've created this blog. I'm not sure that anyone will care what I have to say but I'm doing it anyway! 

 My name is Jenny and I live in the Peoria, IL area. I am the oldest of several siblings. I used to say a specific number but most of the people that I consider siblings don't consider me a sibling so I'm not sure what to say. I do know that I have 1 brother who loves me for who I am. He may not agree with me or my decisions but he loves me now, matter what. He is the most wonderful man I've ever ever met and my SIL is a very, very lucky woman. 

I have 3 other sisters; Sara, Ashley and Felicia. They are awesome young women. I am very lucky to have them in my life. I think they consider me their sister, at least for now. I have 2 other sisters and 2 other brothers but I haven't spoken to any of them in months so I'm not too sure what they all think our relationship is... LOL

It's weird isn't it? It's weird how life begins, develops and ends up! 

I sing in a community chorus. We rehearse every week and I love it! I am the Producer for the show this year and I have no idea why I chose to do it... LOL!!! It's not like I have a ton of time on my plate. I mean, I work 2 jobs and have committed to several other things that I'm not too sure what I was thinking. It's not like it's a hard task, it's pretty easy, but it's just another iron in the fire. 

For over a year now I have been dating a wonderful man. It has been a complete learning experience for me as this is my 1st relationship. Yep, that's right, my first. He told me last night that it's easy to love me and it made me wonder; how in the world could he say that? Does he mean it? It has been a roller coaster ride for the 2 of us because I have been learning how the whole relationship thing works. I have been learning compromise, patience, prioritizing and everything else that goes with a relationship. It has been hard sometimes but for the most part, it has been pretty easy. God definitely knew what he was doing when He introduced us. 

My man is a patient man. He is sure of himself and he loves me for who I am, not what I want to be. It's always been interesting to me how 2 people who have never met before, can meet and fall in love and know each other so well in such a short amount of time. 

God is good! 

Boy, for not knowing why I put this blog together, I sure have said a lot... I'm definitely my mother's daughter!! May God Bless You Every Moment of Your Day!


  1. Hey Jenny! You are a blessing from God and He led you to write this blog. You are an example of His love and joy. You are a wonderful friend and sister in Christ. Stay strong and keep writing what God leads you to write. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    Love - Sydni


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