
Showing posts from April, 2009

A Precious Pickle

The most wonderful thing happened to me today... my 16 month old niece, Annabel, held my hand. It was amazing! I went to her house for lunch today and before I left I read her a book and she was leaning on my lap and she held my hand. Her nose itched and she bent over to itch it on my leg and she still held my hand. I just kept reading the book. I said to her mom in the "book-reading" voice, "she's holding my hand." When Megan saw this she couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it!! Babies are one of God's most precious creations! How blessed I am to have Annabel in my life! I love you, Lil' Pickle!

God's Grace

"you are Blessed, God loves you, Jesus died for you, your friends rock and your family is amazing!"..."you are Blessed, God loves you, Jesus died for you, your friends rock and your family is amazing!"..."you are Blessed, God loves you, Jesus died for you, your friends rock and your family is amazing!" It's been about 3 weeks now that I have been feeling frustrated. This one particular person in my life is a challenge for me to be around. The thing is I have no choice but to be around them. It's so challenging for me that I have contemplated cutting them out of my life for good. The thing is; I can't!! So instead of letting them get under my skin I have decided to pray. I have been praying every day, every moment, every breath. After praying I have noticed that God has given me this peace about this. God is completely amazing. He blesses us even though we do not deserve it! His grace is amazing! God's grace is given daily, even every

The past Month

All I'm going to say about the past month is: THANK YOU, GOD, FOR YOUR LOVE, GRACE AND FORGIVENESS!!